LGBTQ pride pink triangle   Are you aware, and to the LGBTQ community has adopted the pink triangle, a left...

Same shit different day continuation

They finally got off their ass and set a court date for me. If you live in Jackson County Florida and were charged with failure to register vehicles owned, then your court date is on December 15th. And you have about two dozen people facing the same charge with you....


Any RSO have information on entering Croatia? I have a job offer there. Thanks

What on earth?

Any idea how many sex offenders there are in the United States? Me neither, let’s ask Google. °-° 0_0 0●0 what the ****?!? There are 750,000 people on it with more being added yearly. That’s 22 times the entire population of the Republic of San Marino with...

Traveling Later this Week

Traveling later this week. Transiting through Frankfurt where I hope to be able to clear passport control, and then continuing to Spain. Still concerned about the US sending an alert to Spain and having someone waiting for me upon arrival. This will be my first trip...

Aruba concerns

Leaving for Aruba after Christmas. Last year’s experience of being turned away from Routan Honduras has me tense. I really need a positive travel experience. To be able to travel internationally and not be worried about arrest at every turn would be a dream come true....

Moving Abroad

Hello Patrons, I recently registered in Pennsylvania as a level one sex offender. I am currently on house arrest and have been for the last 8 months. I have court in 2 weeks to get off house arrest. Once I am off I am immediately moving to Ukraine where I have already...

Political Asylum

Hello members, I am hoping for some more detailed information about gaining political asylum in Germany or other EU nations and how to go about it.  My case is from 2005 with my release in 2010, no other convictions since then, Lifetime registrant.  Any help...

Same shit different day

I don’t know if it’s happening anywhere else but if you are a registrant of Jackson County, Florida, they either just got done running you through the system, are currently in the process of it, or are about to engage in such a process. If you think you...

Airport stop in London

I have been off the Pennsylvania sex offender list for four years. Once I was removed from the list my research indicated that I did not appear on any state or national database. I obtained a renewed passport two years ago and it is not restricted. I have traveled...

Aruba or bust

Having been rejected from Roatan Honduras last year, never being allowed to leave the airport and placed on the next flight home…..I’ve decided to give the Caribbean one more try. Aruba is a Dutch owned island and appears on the travel matrix as a destination...