Information request

Written by GeoffreyI’ve been trying to find something factual online with much difficulty in finding anything solid on travel as a RSO. About 7 and a half years ago I was convicted of 2 low level felonies that the state deemed me non violent and non predatorial...


Written by mhenzyH, any one just traveled to Spain lately? How was it? Are they let you in? I just wanna know , cz soon we will travel to Tenerife Island and its under Spanish jurisdiction I think. I hope someone can reply my post....

My Asylum Request Update

Written by CoryJust a update on my Request for EU Asylum: 1. There was no issue when I arrived (note Angel Watch did not notify the I was coming, because I arrive from anynother country) 2. Even when I told them immigration was very nice and helpful. 3. But, the...


Written by LeslieHi, I would like to ask if any one knows about retirement in Portugal? I see that they check criminal record any idea how long the conviction they will check if 5 or 10 years? We like to retire there so maybe  guys  can give us some idea or you can...

Making the jump

Written by Brad McCollomI am planning on, at the end of the year, making the jump to Germany.  I have a few questions though: How much should I have saved in personal funds too make sure I don’t get in a bind once there? Does anyone have any recommendations for...