Hello to all of our friends and visitors from all over the world! Welcome to our corner of the internet where you will only find facts, not manufactured fear. My name is Steven but my friends all call me River. I co-founded this organization in 2019 with my friend, Justin as a community of positive-minded folks that are looking for help to improve their current circumstances and ultimately lead better lives.
On our site, you will find valuable information for those branded by their governments as “sex offenders”. We also offer anyone the chance to join our online support community at Patreon where we offer 24/7 chat, detailed how-to videos, and a weekly Zoom meeting for members to ask questions and discuss current events.
Hang out with us as long as you want and hopefully you will find the answers you’re seeking. If you want to change your situation, please join us!
We are stronger together!

Check out our travel matrix before you plan your next getaway!

We use the facts to combat this societal cancer of hatred.

Do you really know how bad it is?
Find out why the US is ranked as one of the least-free nations on Earth.

The Live Free Project is a group of expats that want to help you live your best life. Find out why so many people chose to break their chains and live free!
What's New 6/13/24
- Working on the web site continues…
- Updated contact form is ready for use!
- Immigration consultation services available for those seeking to relocate! Book your online appointment here.
- More people continue to enter all countries in Europe awaiting work permits/residence visas. Recent arrivals already have their permits and are working now!
- Updated our Travel Matrix. The only complete, comprehensive sex offender travel matrix found anywhere on the internet!
- Continuing to work on our video series answering questions sent in by viewers. Keep the questions coming!
- New video series detailing steps to successful relocation coming exclusively to Patreon subscribers! Join now to get access to community Discord chat and weekly online meetings!
Get Involved

From Shadow Prisons to Real Investment to Stop Sexual Violence
Right now, Minnesota is holding 739 people indefinitely in Shadow Prisons, officially called the “MN Sex Offender Program” — imprisoned after having already served their prison time, or even without being convicted of a crime.
Featured Podcast
The Sex Offender Myth
From Podbreed.com: Marie is a representative from a non profit organization, Nebraskans Unafraid. Nebraskans Unafraid (NU) is a grass-roots organization that works to make their communities safer. They believe the right to safety extends to Registered Citizens and their loved ones. They work to change the draconian laws that deprive Registered Citizens of their jobs, homes and family life. They educate the public about the low rate of re-offense among those convicted of sex offenses.
An important update for those planning on international travel!
What really happened to Adam that day in Florida? No one knows.

Our Vision
A world in which those who have committed sexually-based offenses are:
1. Held accountable, fairly and justly, within the acceptable parameters established by international human rights law;
2. Encouraged, during the satisfaction of their court-imposed sentences, to take responsibility for their actions and rehabilitate themselves in pursuit of meaningful and constructive lives; and
3. Reintegrated into the community as full and welcomed members without inhumane and ineffective living restrictions.
Persons convicted of any crime, including sex offenses, are members of the human family and thus are fully and equally entitled to all of the protections enumerated within the Uniform Declaration of Human Rights (United Nations, 1948) and all other human rights legislation.
Note: The term “sex offender” is an arbitrary term intended to insult and dehumanize any person ever convicted of any act allegedly contained within it: any component, regarded by the Adam Walsh Act (2006), as being classified as a “sex offense,” regardless of any real or perceived sexual contact or the involvement of any actual victim. It is a slur and should be treated as one.
* All posted content published on this site is the independent, copyrighted work of its respective author and does not necessarily represent the views or opinions of this website’s administrators, organization owner [Just Facts Not Fear], or other affiliates and community members.
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