Information request

Written by GeoffreyI’ve been trying to find something factual online with much difficulty in finding anything solid on travel as a RSO. About 7 and a half years ago I was convicted of 2 low level felonies that the state deemed me non violent and non predatorial...

RSO Identifier on Portuguese Passport?

Written by jeff khouryok good morning! im currently researching getting dual citizenship usa and portuguese.  But ive been told that portugal also puts a RSO identifier in thier passports.  can anyone tell me first hand knowledge if this is true?  thank you in...

Looking ahead

Written by RobertLooking ahead I will be off probation in 12 months. I feel “lucky” that my sentence was not as brutal as it could have been. I was given 3 years time served and 2 years probation with 6 months home arrest without ankle monitor. I was...

how to retire to europe

Written by jeff khouryGood Morning! Im i Teir 3 RSO in Virgina USA. Recently got married a little over 2 years ago.  We are both now retired and living quiet comfortable lives.  That said both of us want to retire to Europe as it is much more relaxed than the...

Relationship confusion

Written by Robert StarnesLong story short I met an amazing woman before the SOR and through everything she stayed with me. Now, 6 months into this I am feeling like her staying with me will waste the rest of her life (we are both almost 50). My mind keeps telling me...

New Here looking for advice

Written by JohnHello All, I am new here, I just found this website from someone posting on Quora answering a question. Quick detail about myself: I am a Tier II RSO in US, in the inner center states. I was wondering if anyone else is a Tier II and if you guys had any...