Information request

Written by GeoffreyI’ve been trying to find something factual online with much difficulty in finding anything solid on travel as a RSO. About 7 and a half years ago I was convicted of 2 low level felonies that the state deemed me non violent and non predatorial...

My Asylum Request Update

Written by CoryJust a update on my Request for EU Asylum: 1. There was no issue when I arrived (note Angel Watch did not notify the I was coming, because I arrive from anynother country) 2. Even when I told them immigration was very nice and helpful. 3. But, the...

My story, my plans

Written by GrizzlyHello all. I figured I’d take the time to introduce myself and tell my story. For purposes of anonymity I will use a preferred pseudonym.  I will go by the name Grizzly. In 2013 I was charged with possession of child pornography.  In my state,...

A Message From Derek Logue

Once Fallen ( Many of you will be familiar with the name Derek Logue and Once Fallen. Derek has asked that we share this survey with our supporters. Here is Derek’s message: The fight to reform or abolish the public sex offense registry...


Written by Stile ParsoSex Offender Safety Zone Mobile App: SO Zones Does anyone know anything about this app or others like it? I’ve come across two others and while one lasted a week before it disappeared off the web, I couldn’t even download the other...