Sex Offender International Travel Matrix

Enter The Matrix

Last updated: 12/26/2023

Many thanks to the good folks at RTAG (Registry Travel Action Group) for developing the original travel matrix. They deserve credit for the idea and initial entries. We have expanded on the original matrix to include every country on Earth. That’s right: we’re going balls to the wall on this one. We need everyone’s help to make it the most complete and comprehensive travel matrix in existence!

Something to keep in mind when viewing the travel matrix: the countries that deny entry to RSOs, but don’t require a visa, do so BECAUSE THEY RECEIVE A TRAVEL NOTICE from the US “Angel Watch” scumbags -OR- your passport number has been entered into the INTERPOL GREEN NOTICE database, which is accessible by all participating member states. This prevents directly traveling there from an airport in America or even from a third country, in instances of a Green Notice addition.

Note: If you believe you are subject to Interpol Green Notice notification, you can contact this law firm for assistance.

Travel Matrix For Forced Registrants (PFRs)

Please send us some information about any country we have incorrect data about or you may have been to, along with any stories about your trip that you’d like to share!

Freedom of movement is the very essence of our free society. Once we curtail the right to travel, all other rights suffer.

William O. Douglas (Former Associate Justice of the Supreme Court of the United States) Tweet

*** Accuracy Notice ***

We work diligently and in good faith to keep this matrix as current as possible. As you can see, this chart is far from complete. We sometimes make mistakes and we will update this as we get more information on country status. This chart is only a guide. It is not a 100% guarantee because of the constant changing of laws around the world. We are not responsible for any inconvenience due to incorrect information.

Please feel free to contact us and let us know of your travels and any difficulties you experience. Also, if you find there is an error with any of the above countries, let us know so we can keep it up-to-date! Safe travels to all!