by Michael | Feb 25, 2022 | Personal, Travel
Written by MichaelSo because March 1st is my state’s usual 1st quarter registry, I had sent them an email to schedule a time to come in and give them the 21-day notice. They called back after scheduling it for tomorrow and the detective just wanted to make sure...
by Joseph Barst | Feb 22, 2022 | Personal
As a csc offender who was falsely accused, I want to move to Germany for a historical reasons and need to get connections with you who are there and are able to help
by michael stephen mann | Feb 22, 2022 | Immigration
Written by michael stephen mannanyone have information on moving to romania? its 3X cheaper then germany. if romania fails then germany is next step. romania allows 89 days in a 180 day period and then goal is to get residency. thank you for all your help
by michael stephen mann | Feb 21, 2022 | Advice
Written by michael stephen mannHello. I’m new to the site. I wanted to say hello as I navigate around. I will be moving to Romania or Germany in the future. Crime in 1997 so if i have any knowledge to help others in the community i will try.
by Michael | Feb 8, 2022 | Opinion
Written by MichaelJust a friendly reminder that your past is the past; It’s been written, there is no changing it. But your present and future are yours to hold and you get to decide what they look like. Start living your life now and forget about the...
by Michael | Feb 7, 2022 | News
Written by MichaelThis is where America is heading: You serve your time and pay your debt to society, then have the opportunity to buy a business because you cant find work, and all hell breaks loose. This is not news, this is...
by chepe | Jan 28, 2022 | Personal, Travel
Written by chepeI will be traveling around two weeks from now. I am waiting for my GF’s Spain visa to go through but its taking a long time. Plan B will be Georgia.. does anyone have any information on this country? European country but not part of the Schengen...
by Michael | Jan 24, 2022 | Personal, Travel
Written by MichaelAfter I made the decision to move out of the US, friends, family, and even strangers have asked me, “WHY?” So rather than repeat the reasons and explanation of why, I am going to jot down my thought process. Everyone has a path or journey...
by System Administrator | Jan 12, 2022 | Editorial, News
Why society is always wrong about pedophilia. Foreword Recently, an article was written in USA Today about the research being done to better understand pedophilia. It is a very well-thought-out article that you can find in their Health & Life department. After...
by Ichigo | Jan 9, 2022 | Uncategorized
Seeking moving tip. I am looking into shipping some items I need using LCL ( less than container load ) to Germany but since I have not moved yet I do not have a destination address, does anyone have any knowledge or tips about a solution? Thanks!
by Michael | Dec 28, 2021 | Immigration, Personal, Travel
I decided on Christmas day that enough was enough. Even though in my state it’s not bad, it’s only going to get worse. I am tired of looking over my shoulder; not being able to RV without setting myself to a schedule so that I can let the sheriff’s...
by Paul | Dec 22, 2021 | Personal
[This post was edited by the administrator because the original link didn’t work. The following paragraphs written by admin, full credit for the link belongs to Paul.] A man in Georgia named Derrick Crooms was released from his “duty” to register...
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