Please submit your nonsense!

Please submit your nonsense!

Hi folks. Today I would like you to contribute to the website.  List the things you or a relative/friend experienced because of registry requirements or legal conditions imposed by a judge. Even if this post is very old when you finally read it, please add your 2...

Sex Offenders: A Glimmer of Hope

Born and raised in Florida, I know a thing a thing or two about that state.  With two loved ones serving sentences in prison for sex crimes there, I know a thing or two about the sex offense laws in that state as well.  And for personal reasons, I know a...

Am I Living or Existing?

I did something wrong.  I admit it.  Whether I agree with the law that criminalizes that behavior or not, I did something that went against the grain of the society I live in and I’ve paid the price.  I had a good life; wasn’t rich or powerful, but my needs were met. ...