by Thomas Fritz | Apr 13, 2021 | Editorial, News, Opinion
An FBI/HLS agent had his weapon stolen from his car in Sacramento. Was he charged under the law that was written to hold law enforcement accountable for leaving a weapon in their car, unsecured? Nope! Article Did this FBI agent get charged for attempted murder?...
by Nelson Goins | Mar 9, 2021 | Opinion
I have noticed that since my release from prison the people i called my friends no longer are. Trying to make new friends is very hard for me and always has. Now with my record its all but impossible for me. I served in the U.S. Army for 14 years and was very proud to...
by Stile Parso | Feb 5, 2021 | Opinion
Greetings Earthlings, Many of you have often spoken with derision at the American view towards those that are considered sexually deviant. You say things like, “that can’t really happen, you’re exaggerating, why on Earth would a society even think...
by CollateralDamage | Dec 27, 2020 | Editorial, Opinion
This post is in reaction to an article from NARSOL: Registering Juveniles Creates Only Harm. Read the full article The article points out that the cost (out of your pockets) for juveniles forced to register as sex offenders in the US is about $3 BILLION per year. My...
by CollateralDamage | Dec 16, 2020 | Editorial, Opinion, Personal, Travel
“Everyone has the right to leave any country, including his own, and to return to his country.”Article 13(2), Universal Declaration of Human Rights. United Nations. Dec 10th, 1948 In the United States, as well as in some other countries, former inmates are...
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