Written by MichaelAfter I made the decision to move out of the US, friends, family, and even strangers have asked me, “WHY?” So rather than repeat the reasons and explanation of why, I am going to jot down my thought process. Everyone has a path or journey...
The decision has been made!

The decision has been made!

I decided on Christmas day that enough was enough. Even though in my state it’s not bad, it’s only going to get worse. I am tired of looking over my shoulder; not being able to RV without setting myself to a schedule so that I can let the sheriff’s...

LGBTQ pride pink triangle

https://external-content.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=http%3A%2F%2F4.bp.blogspot.com%2F-LdaNBjoYv_c%2FU6s_KDZ9ojI%2FAAAAAAAAD4g%2FtJr670F5FAY%2Fs1600%2FNaziBadges.JPG&f=1&nofb=1   Are you aware, and to the LGBTQ community has adopted the pink triangle, a left...


Any RSO have information on entering Croatia? I have a job offer there. Thanks

Traveling Later this Week

Traveling later this week. Transiting through Frankfurt where I hope to be able to clear passport control, and then continuing to Spain. Still concerned about the US sending an alert to Spain and having someone waiting for me upon arrival. This will be my first trip...

Aruba concerns

Leaving for Aruba after Christmas. Last year’s experience of being turned away from Routan Honduras has me tense. I really need a positive travel experience. To be able to travel internationally and not be worried about arrest at every turn would be a dream come true....