Information request

Written by GeoffreyI’ve been trying to find something factual online with much difficulty in finding anything solid on travel as a RSO. About 7 and a half years ago I was convicted of 2 low level felonies that the state deemed me non violent and non predatorial...

No longer have to register as a sex offender

Written by BrandonI was charged with communication with a minor for immoral purposes through electronic text messaging back in 2009. I was charged with a gross misdemeanor and had to register as a sex offender for ten years. I no longer have to register as a sex...

7th circuit Court ofAppeals decision

On 1-6-2021, the 7th CA issued an opinion in the Hope vs Commissioner of Indiana Department of Corrections case…case # 19-2523.  The following comes from NARSOL’s Feb/March Digest:  This is a synopsis of a case which is extremely important and...
A gigantic waste of money

A gigantic waste of money

This post is in reaction to an article from NARSOL: Registering Juveniles Creates Only Harm. Read the full article The article points out that the cost (out of your pockets) for juveniles forced to register as sex offenders in the US is about $3 BILLION per year. My...