LGBTQ pride pink triangle   Are you aware, and to the LGBTQ community has adopted the pink triangle, a left...

Cruelty These people were victims of the person pretending to be a police officer.  The girl was forced to strip naked and had her body cavities searched by the manager of McDonald’s.  This is...

Hypocrisy At Its Finest.

An FBI/HLS agent had his weapon stolen from his car in Sacramento.  Was he charged under the law that was written to hold law enforcement accountable for leaving a weapon in their car, unsecured? Nope! Article Did this FBI agent get charged for attempted murder?...
Gladiator Fights vs. A Real Fighter

Gladiator Fights vs. A Real Fighter

Are You Not Entertained? More Reports Of ‘Gladiator Fights’ As California Prison Officials Tear Up Cells To Find Recording Device The truth about California is an ugly one. While publicly they are socially and politically “liberal” and forward...