Information request

Written by GeoffreyI’ve been trying to find something factual online with much difficulty in finding anything solid on travel as a RSO. About 7 and a half years ago I was convicted of 2 low level felonies that the state deemed me non violent and non predatorial...

My Asylum Request Update

Written by CoryJust a update on my Request for EU Asylum: 1. There was no issue when I arrived (note Angel Watch did not notify the I was coming, because I arrive from anynother country) 2. Even when I told them immigration was very nice and helpful. 3. But, the...

No longer have to register as a sex offender

Written by BrandonI was charged with communication with a minor for immoral purposes through electronic text messaging back in 2009. I was charged with a gross misdemeanor and had to register as a sex offender for ten years. I no longer have to register as a sex...

7th circuit Court ofAppeals decision

On 1-6-2021, the 7th CA issued an opinion in the Hope vs Commissioner of Indiana Department of Corrections case…case # 19-2523.  The following comes from NARSOL’s Feb/March Digest:  This is a synopsis of a case which is extremely important and...