International Travel to Europe – customs in NY city?

Written by jeff khouryMy wife and I are traveling to Europe. I’m tier three in Virginia, off probation, have the stamp on my passport, am a lifetime registrant, got a place to stay, tickets purchased, 21 day notice submitted.  Here are my questions:  what is...

RSO Identifier on Portuguese Passport?

Written by jeff khouryok good morning! im currently researching getting dual citizenship usa and portuguese.  But ive been told that portugal also puts a RSO identifier in thier passports.  can anyone tell me first hand knowledge if this is true?  thank you in...

how to retire to europe

Written by jeff khouryGood Morning! Im i Teir 3 RSO in Virgina USA. Recently got married a little over 2 years ago.  We are both now retired and living quiet comfortable lives.  That said both of us want to retire to Europe as it is much more relaxed than the...