The New SORNA guidelines, if enacted, will supersede all states’ guidelines for registrants. The Tier system approved by the California legislature and that over 150,000 registrants have fought so hard for will be wiped away.  Misdemeanors will be required to update information 4 TIMES A YEAR! Internet identifiers will be required to be submitted by ALL registrants. The federal tier system will add 5 yrs to level 1 offenses. It will add more information about us to the public registry, and many will be put back on it after spending thousands to be removed. It will make traveling even more difficult than it already is. And worse, any infraction of these guidelines now becomes a federal offense.

This is the ultimate scarlet letter for us. I sat last night and listened to the Presidential address and thought, “He spouts Democracy is not dead while ignoring over 1 million of its citizens and the rights they are losing.”  As it stands I have 3 more yrs. on this horrible registry. I understand others have waited most of their lives to be released from the chains. Now the DOJ is about to hand down a death sentence to most of us.

What can we do? We have no power. We have no support.