The common man can’t imagine himself dealing with lifetime sex offender registration – not even for one second – and that’s precisely why he tends to see sex offender registries as a good thing. But, from the inside, whatever you did (or didn’t even do) to end up a forced registrant for life, one of the following options will become your life’s mission:

  1. EMIGRATE (Get out of your own country for good) AND GET A FRESH NEW START SOMEWHERE ELSE.
    Read my article on emigration.
    This is one of the most destructive consequences of lifetime registration.  Desperate and depressed pedophiles, with nothing else to lose, are basically handed a credit card for child abuse. When prison is just as bad as being free, the basic deterrence effect of the law fade away. This is exactly why registries can’t possibly lower recidivism rates: they kill all hope.  In a country where guns are so easy to find, why would we kill all hope for about 900,000 persons? It’s the perfect set up for a disaster.
    If you dislike child abuse, consequently you should dislike sex offender registries. Most men won’t react well to constant control. Despite whatever short-term gains therapists can hallucinate to support these laws, the alienating, long term effect of lifetime registration is a general feeling that nothing makes sense anymore; that you’ve lost your freedom of movement and speech forever; and a confusing perception of right and wrong.

Family and friends of registrants can only find hope in the third option.  I can’t envision a scenario where the anti-registry movements will ever pull back. It will only grow stronger and stronger as this insult to humanity keeps inflating.

What will the future bring?

The future of registries is this: slowly but surely, the common view that sex offenders aren’t victims will evaporate. On the scale of slavery (chattel slavery being 10/10), sex offenders are now facing about a 4 out of 10. With the situation quietly getting worse, it is likely that general support for sex offenders will augment in the long term. As long as sex offender registries exist, sex laws will slowly lose their legitimacy (a bit more every year) in the eye of the common man; it’s simple mathematics.

It’s just a matter of time before registries are abolished; possibly doomed to happen within 5 to 15 years. So, why not get rid of them today? Why wait? It cannot possibly be considered an economic priority to run sex offender registries, now that their inefficiency has been massively demonstrated.

Read my article on the subject