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If you try to exercise your human right to travel, sometimes the United States government will seek to prevent it.  Below are two examples of how the US State Department and the Department of Homeland Security flex their unchallengeable authority in broad, blatant attempts to deny that right to American citizens.  The information below is meant to better inform the persecuted civilians and serve as a warning.  

There is also a deportation notice to serve as warning against lying to the immigration department about your criminal record when applying for residency.  Please be honest and forthcoming and you can avoid these mistakes!

* Note: All identifiable information from these notices has been redacted by us to protect the privacy rights of the victimized PFRs.

DHS/"Angel Watch" Advanced Travel Notice

Many US forced registrants have been denied their right to travel by the United States government over the years.  They’ve been told on several  occasions that they cannot enter a country because the border officials there received a notice about them.

When you give your forced 21-day notice to the registration authorities in your jurisdiction, you give them all of the information they will need to harass you and hopefully bar you from traveling.  The DHS Angel Watch division transmits the information to their local embassy in the destination country and from there, a notice is generated with the desired intent of preventing a PFR from entering said country.

Here is an official Angel Watch notice so you can see for yourself exactly what information is transmitted.  Enjoy!

The United States routinely violates the human rights of its citizens without recourse. One of the many ways they do that is to prevent travel by simultaneously violating both personal privacy and freedom of travel rights. This is an Interpol Green Notice sent by US Angel Watch to victimize a forced registrant upon his travel to Thailand.

Passport Revocation Notice

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Imagine stepping off the plane and preparing to enjoy the start of your two week vacation.  You get through security, gather up your luggage, and finally check in to your hotel room that you paid so much for since it’s a splurge.

After waking well-rested and a day loaded with shopping and seeing the sights, you return to your rented room to see you’ve got an email from the US State Department.  Must be pretty important, right?  It is.  Your passport has just been revoked and you are now stranded in a foreign country.

This scenario has played out many times to many victims over the years.  If you are required by American law to have the human rights-defying stamp in your passport and travel internationally without it, your passport will be canceled and make using it a FELONY.

If you ever find yourself victimized like this by the US State Dept., you must do the following:

1. DON’T PANIC – it is fixable and you will be able to get home.

2. Contact the embassy or consulate located in whatever country you are in.  This link will take you to a list of all the embassies and consulates around the world.

3. Once you find the website for the appropriate agency, you can check the services they offer for Americans.

4. Choose Visa/Passport Services and select Apply/Renew.

5. You will have to download and print out the application or fill it out online and submit it (if available).

6. You will next need to make an appointment at their office to submit the documents and pay the fee for the replacement.  Here, you will also have to submit an affidavit attesting to your status as a forced registrant and that you need to have the illegal identifier placed in your passport.  If you skip this step, you won’t get the stamp and your new passport will be again revoked when you return to the US and you’ll have to get another one.

7. The cost is usually around $200 for the service and it tends to be processed fairly quickly.

You will have to remain where you are until you receive your new passport.  To avoid this hassle, simply make sure you have the stamp before you leave the US – if you are currently registered and need to have it.

German Deportation Notice

We continually stress the importance of being honest with the government of the country you choose to move to.

This gentleman decided against this advice and thought he could outsmart the German immigration authorities regarding his criminal record in the US.  When he filled out his standard residence permit application, he lied about his record when asked. 

The authorities were quick to point out that they RECEIVED A TRAVEL NOTICE FROM THE US about his being not just having a record, but also still currently registered as a sex offender.

This was not looked at fondly by the good folks at the foreigner’s office and the police were promptly notified of this attempt at immigration fraud.  Here is the notice of demand of his immediate removal from the German Federal Republic.  Please learn from this man’s mistake and DO NOT LIE.

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