Current ETIAS Information

** ETIAS is currently delayed until at least mid-2025 **

ETIAS in a nutshell

ETIAS travel authorization is an entry requirement for visa-exempt nationals traveling to any of these 30 European countries.  It is linked to a traveler’s passport. It is valid for up to three years or until the passport expires, whichever comes first. If you get a new passport, you need to get a new ETIAS travel authorization.

With a valid ETIAS travel authorization, you can enter the territory of these European countries as often as you want for short-term stays – normally for up to 90 days in any 180-day period. However, it does not guarantee entry. When you arrive, a border guard will ask to see your passport and other documents and verify that you meet the entry conditions.

Once you have applied for ETIAS

You will receive an email confirming the submission of your application which will include your unique ETIAS application number: make sure you keep this number for future reference.

Once your application has been processed, you will receive another email informing you about its outcome.

When you get your ETIAS travel authorization please make sure your name, passport number and other information is correct: if there is any mistake, you will not be allowed to cross the border. More information about what to do if you made a mistake in your application can be found here.

If your application is refused, the email will provide the reasons for this decision. It will also include information about how to appeal, details of the competent authority, as well as the relevant time limit to appeal.

Processing your ETIAS application

Most applications are processed within minutes.  It is possible however that your application may take longer to process. If so, you will receive a decision within four days. Please note that this period could be extended by up to 14 days if you are requested to provide additional information or documentation, or up to 30 days if you are invited to an interview. This is why you should apply for an ETIAS travel authorization well in advance of your planned journey.

Validity period of your ETIAS

  • Your ETIAS travel authorization is valid for three years or until the travel document you used in your application expires – whichever comes first.
  • It is for short-term stays: a valid ETIAS travel authorization entitles you to stay in the European countries requiring ETIAS for up to 90 days within any 180-day period.
  • You must be in possession of a valid ETIAS travel authorization during your entire stay. You can leave and come back at any time, as long as you respect this time limit.

Applying For ETIAS With A Criminal Record

Can a traveler with a criminal history/record apply for ETIAS?

Yes. However, depending on the severity of the crimes involved (and the accompanying sentences) a criminal record may considerably reduce an applicant’s chances of securing an ETIAS or even lead to refusal. Third country nationals, such as U.S. and UK passport holders, will require ETIAS approval before venturing into Europe after 2025 and this approval must be secured either online or via a dedicated mobile app. The process involves filling out a detailed questionnaire and supplying basic information concerning the applicant’s name, address, date of birth, gender, nationality etc. But an ETIAS application form also requires details concerning a person’s current state of health, existing medical conditions and previous criminal record or convictions.

ETIAS, while still strict, aims to be fairer to applicants who have fallen foul of the law. Depending on the seriousness of the crime committed, and the amount of time elapsed since conviction, it is possible for applicants to acquire an ETIAS although there may be extra steps that need to be taken and more procedures to go through.

The United States and Canada operate their own electronic systems of per-approval for visitors entering their respective countries. Both Canada’s eTA (Electronic Travel Authorization) and America’s ESTA (Electronic System for Travel Authorization) have extremely strict policies regarding an applicant’s criminal history. Convictions for serious crimes will almost certainly result in refusal and even convictions for minor criminal offenses as long as fifty years previous to the application can pose serious problems.

Having a criminal record and the ETIAS application process

Although the introduction of ETIAS is rapidly approaching the application process is still being fine tuned. The online application form will require basic details including name, address, age, gender etc. but will then delve into more personal information regarding an applicant’s health status and any criminal history. 

All “serious” offenses listed in the Annex of the law must be reported from within the last 15 years and 20, if they involve terrorism-related crimes.  The offense(s) listed will then be cross-reference to the similar offense(s) in the (Schengen) Member country’s criminal codes and similar offenses may not be punished by more than 3 years of incarceration [in that Member country].  

Because ETIAS is designed to strengthen security across Europe the application form will target not just criminal activity but also possible links to terrorism. Therefore details regarding an applicant’s travel to areas of war or conflict and involvement with terrorist groups or activity will also be sought.

ETIAS approval not a guarantee

It should be noted that different European countries have different rules regarding who is and is not allowed to enter their territory. Even if an applicant with a criminal record has successfully applied for and received ETIAS approval this does not guarantee automatic entry to all European Union or Schengen Area countries. Even with an ETIAS approved passport it may be difficult to travel to and within Europe if the passport holder has spent more than three years in prison.
Individual countries also operate their own system of assessment which may result in a refusal of entry. Germany, for example, reserves the right to refuse entry to, or deport, any visitor who has:

  • Served a sentence of three years or more for public order offenses;
  • A conviction for drug-related offenses with an accompanying sentence of two or more years;
  • Been convicted for any crimes involving human trafficking

Generally speaking, visitors to Europe with the necessary ETIAS approval will not be questioned about minor offenses by border officials but it can happen and it is always best to answer such questions honestly as any information supplied can be quickly checked against the ETIAS security database.

Criminal record database checks

In order to thoroughly check an applicant’s criminal history the European Commission approved the creation of the European Criminal Records Information System (ECRIS) in April 2019. The aim of this system is to store all information pertaining to third country nationals convicted of a crime and allow for the speedy exchange of this information between all European Union and Schengen Area member states. It is envisaged that ECRIS will greatly aid in the ongoing fight against both crime and terrorism as the system will incorporate several new and improved features including:

  • Online security checks will return a “Hit” or “No Hit” on individuals whose details are being checked. A “Hit” will detail an applicant’s criminal history and in which country (or countries) the offenses took place.
  • ECRIS will store not just details of an applicant’s criminal record but also scanned fingerprints and photos if available.
  • ECRIS will be used to check an applicant’s criminal history and also to spot possible terrorist connections or security risks.

Other benefits of ECRIS are spotting possible identity theft and to check and clear a person wishing to work with minors or applying for a firearms license.

At present, ETIAS applications are not checked against ECRIS unless an applicant admits to a criminal record on the application form. However, the EU Commission is currently considering changing this and allowing all applications, particularly those that raise some suspicion, to be checked through ECRIS.

Criminal, Terrorist and Security Checks

The security section of the online ETIAS application form has not, as yet, been completely finalized and it is possible more details regarding past criminal or terrorist activity may be added. Criminal activity questions will pertain to the preceding ten years while any terrorism-related offenses will cover the last twenty. As things stand this is the information that will be required in relation to criminal convictions:

  • Criminal damage (persons or property)
  • Rape
  • Murder
  • Money laundering
  • Drug trafficking
  • Human trafficking
  • Sex crimes against children

Any terrorism-related convictions in the preceding twenty years will also need to be described including details of the offense, the county in which the offense occurred and length of the applied sentence. The security background check will also ask for details of any previous deportation order or expulsion from any of the EU or Schengen Area member countries. Should any of the security background questions be answered in the affirmative the applicant will then be presented with a further set of questions which must be answered honestly and in full. Providing false, misleading or incomplete answers will likely lead to an instant refusal.

Border Checks

The EU Commission has stated its intention that only those applicants with convictions for serious crime or terrorism will be refused an ETIAS. Once granted, the holder of the ETIAS approved passport is entitled to enter and travel through the EU and Schengen states with little, if any, border checks. This does not mean, however, that access to any particularly country is automatically guaranteed as border checks are always a possibility even for citizens of a European Union member state.

In most cases, a country is more concerned about the threat of terrorism or crimes committed within its own borders and a minor criminal conviction that occurred sometime in the past is of little concern or interest to the security forces. While the vast majority of third country nationals with an ETIAS approved passport and a criminal record will be allowed to pass the border check it may not always be the case as the decision to grant or refuse entry rests ultimately with the border security personnel.


List of serious criminal offenses:
1. terrorist offenses,
2. participation in a criminal organization,
3. trafficking in human beings,
4. sexual exploitation of children and child pornography,
5. illicit trafficking in narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances,
6. illicit trafficking in weapons, munitions and explosives,
7. corruption,
8. fraud, including that against the financial interests of the Union,
9. laundering of the proceeds of crime and counterfeiting of currency, including the euro,
10. computer-related crime/cyber-crime,
11. environmental crime, including illicit trafficking in endangered animal species and in endangered plant species and varieties,
12. facilitation of unauthorized entry and residence,
13. murder, grievous bodily injury,
14. illicit trade in human organs and tissue,
15. kidnapping, illegal restraint and hostage-taking,
16. organized and armed robbery,
17. illicit trafficking in cultural goods, including antiques and works of art,
18. counterfeiting and piracy of products,
19. forgery of administrative documents and trafficking therein,
20. illicit trafficking in hormonal substances and other growth promoters,
21. illicit trafficking in nuclear or radioactive materials,
22. rape,
23. crimes within the jurisdiction of the International Criminal Court,
24. unlawful seizure of aircraft or ships,
25. sabotage,
26. trafficking in stolen vehicles,
27. industrial espionage,
28. arson,
29. racism and xenophobia.