Written by Gwen
Greetings, My husband is on the registry (life time) due to it being federal.
We currently live in Texas his crime and punishment were almost 20 years ago.
We are wanting to retire to Louisiana. Can’t get a straight answer as to what the laws are in Louisiana, doing my own research I believe that after 15 years you can get off the registry. In Louisiana you have to put your photo in the newspaper, your crime, your address..we are moving to a small town of 1600 people.
Any help would be appreciated. Merry Christmas!!!
I recently moved to Texas from Kansas and ran into a similar situation wondering if I would have to register in Texas and what the restrictions would be. I contacted the sheriff department in the county that I was going to as well as a couple of the groups that help SOs. I had tried to contact attorneys offices but they either didn’t know or wanted to charge a fee for consultation. I also kept all of the emails and things in writing from the sheriff office. You might check http://www.sexoffenderresource.com
Hello Gwen I am certainly living in the state you are looking to retire in . The laws here are very strict and must be followed by your husband or be incarcerated again for I have the same problem . I have to gives all that information to law enforcement . That is everything I own to. That’s what I’m doing right here in a little town called Fordoche . There is one thing that I scare me about giving all that information to law enforcement. What the people in this town will do when they see a picture and address of where I live . Here is the thing we are not allowed to have the right to refuse a law that takes away human rights and that is the government that we are supposed to abide by. In my opinion we are all slave to the government. O and pay for the freedom to live here and the amount depends on how many people live there as to how much money they want from you. It is five dollars per card to every person in the town within a five mile radius the more rural areas are cheaper. Otherwise you have to pay more to live in a big city. You have 1600 hundred people to tell all about the crime or crimes that were committed . A hard life has been given to us by the people who govern us . I hope that helps you out best wishes to you and your family peace be with you in your journey.